
Prepare stack

cp db.env.dist db.env
cp app.env.dist app.env
docker compose build

Init database

docker compose run --rm web ./ migrate

Load initial data

docker compose run --rm web ./ loaddata project/fixtures/initial.json

Create your superuser

docker compose run --rm web ./ createsuperuser

Prepare admin if required

make build_admin

Prepare frontend if required

make build_front

Launch stack

docker compose up






Django admin (config / debug)



We use flake8, isort and black rules. You can run :

make lint

to check them


  • Each modification should be done in a Pull request correctly named and labeled (dependencies, bug, enhancement, …) with a changelog entry.

Release process

  • Changelog should be up to date

  • assign version number in project/VERSION and docs/source/changelog.rst with date (version in the form YYYY.MM.XX where YYYY is the year, MM the month, XX the release number in the month.)

  • Use Release fonction in github to create a release with the same name as the version number

  • Use release notes button to generate release notes

  • CI publish a new docker image.

  • Back to dev by adding “+dev” to project/VERSION and new changelog section with XXXX-XX-XX date and version